
Leadership & Management Courses

Enhance your leadership and management skills with our range of comprehensive courses for your personal and organisational success.

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Whether you are a seasoned manager or an emerging leader, our transformative soft skills training will equip you with the applicable skills you need to achieve your personal and professional goals.

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Three Kingdom Courses

Team Building

Team Motivation

Communication Management

Problem Solving Skills

Presentation Skills

Train Your Brain

Three Kingdom Courses

Three Kingdoms’ Leaders & Leadership (Cao Cao Chapter)

“The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” is one of China’s four major literary classics, featuring notable characters like Cao Cao. While often depicted as a brutal tyrant, Cao Cao was also a significant statesman of his era, and our seminar will delve into his leadership lessons relevant to today’s workplace.

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Applying Three Kingdom Strategies in Your Organization

Elevate your leadership and organizational skills with a unique Eastern twist. @ASK Training’s course, “Applying Three Kingdoms’ Strategies in Your Organization,” moves beyond typical Western examples, focusing on tactics from China’s Three Kingdoms’ Era, which saw the rise of states like Wei, Shu, and Wu between 220-280 AD. In this 3-day workshop, delve into the strategies of iconic leaders such as Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang, drawing applicable insights for modern businesses.

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Three Kingdoms’ Leaderships in Today’s Context

Enhance your leadership skills by diving into China’s rich history with our 2-day course, “Three Kingdoms’ Leadership in Today’s Context.” Explore the tumultuous Three Kingdoms Era, where legendary leaders like Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang showcased unparalleled bravery, loyalty, and strategic genius amidst chaotic power struggles. In this workshop, derive valuable leadership insights from both “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” and “Records of the Three Kingdoms”, and identify which iconic leader’s style resonates most with your own through a profiling exercise.

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Team Building

The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team

Modern teams often struggle to achieve desired outcomes due to dysfunctional behaviors rooted in individual perceptions and vulnerabilities. Our workshop equips participants to identify the five key dysfunctions in teams and rectify them. Through “DISC” profiling, attendees will gain insights into their team behaviors, learn practical tools to address dysfunctions, and foster a cohesive environment where all members feel valued and drive optimal results.

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Mastering Emotional Intelligence: Your Key to People Management Excellence!

In today’s fast-paced VUCA world, managing emotions amidst constant disruptions becomes pivotal for leaders. Emotional intelligence, the capability to regulate personal and others’ emotions, has a profound impact on work performance, health, and team dynamics. Recognizing its significance, many organizations are prioritizing emotional intelligence equally with technical skills. Our 2-day workshop offers an immersive exploration into the four domains of Emotional Intelligence. Participants will undergo profiling to uncover their strengths and limitations, engage in role-plays, and analyze case studies. Seize this chance to elevate your emotional intelligence, fortify your relationships, and thrive both personally and professionally.

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Effective Supervisory Skills for Management

Supervising a team is a challenging yet crucial role, with many doubting their innate ability to lead effectively. Our 2-day ‘Effective Supervisory Skills for Management’ workshop demystifies this transition. We equip you with core supervisory skills, from active listening to conflict resolution, ensuring you not only adapt to your new role but excel in it. Elevate your leadership capabilities and foster enhanced workplace dynamics. Join us and embrace the art of effective supervision.

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Connect, Engage and Influence with NLP Interpersonal Communication Techniques

In our immersive 1-Day workshop, dive into proven NLP methods to swiftly establish rapport and cultivate deep relationships. Master structured conversations aimed at achieving set outcomes. Through hands-on demonstrations and role-plays, you’ll hone these skills, making relationship-building effortless. Join us and transform your interpersonal prowess!

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Knowing Me, Knowing You – For Better Teamwork

By the end of the course, participants will understand the psychological barriers to communication, the influence of their mindset on team dynamics, and self-assess their role in workplace challenges. They’ll also gain the tools to foster a successful environment for themselves and their teams.

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Team Motivation

People Centered Leadership- Motivating, Inspiring and Engaging Others

In today’s era, traditional leadership falls short as employees have become more sophisticated. Embracing people-centered leadership recognizes the intrinsic value of individuals beyond just revenue, focusing on their humanity. This approach enhances leadership effectiveness, emphasizing both results and individual well-being. Participants will delve into the qualities of effective leadership and the significance of self-mastery. They’ll gain insights into the human-centric aspect of leading while refining their leadership competencies and style.

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Happy Employees Work Better(Happiness Helps an Organization Increase Productivity)

Join our 2-day “Happy Employees Work Better” workshop to understand the vital role of employee well-being in organizational success. Discover the Workplace Happiness Framework and proven strategies to enhance productivity, retention, and overall job satisfaction in today’s dynamic workforce. Ensure a thriving, joyful work environment for lasting prosperity.

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Influence Others with Your Stories!

Discover the power of storytelling in our course, designed to enhance your influence and communication. Delve into research-backed strategies that reveal why stories captivate and persuade audiences. Learn to harness your personal narratives to foster trust and stronger relationships.

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Attitude - Your Most Priceless Possession

Unlock the power of a positive mindset in our course, “Attitude – Your Most Priceless Possession.” Over two days, delve into the psychology of attitude, learn to navigate and transform negative mindsets, and discover the tangible benefits of embracing positivity.

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Communication Management

Crisis Management and Communication

Master the essentials of crisis management in our course. Learn to anticipate, prevent, and navigate through crises using proven strategies and communication plans. With case studies and interactive discussions, we equip participants to minimize disruptions, safeguard reputations, and handle crises adeptly.

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Constructive Conflict Management

In our Constructive Conflict Management course, participants will understand the origins and types of workplace conflicts. Over two days, attendees will learn effective strategies to harness these disagreements positively, transforming them into opportunities for growth and ensuring alignment with organizational goals. Effective conflict management leads to better decisions and cohesive teams.

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Strategies for Persuasive Negotiation

“Strategies for Persuasive Negotiation” is a 1-day workshop introducing the concept of “Neuro-Persuasion”, a modern approach to influencing decisions based on recent scientific discoveries. Participants will master techniques to navigate everyday negotiations, from salary discussions to influencing others, without compromising relationships. By course end, attendees will be adept in using crafted words to drive agreeable outcomes and maintain strong interpersonal ties.

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Keys to Instant Rapport – Effective Communication for Better Working Relationships

In “Keys to Instant Rapport – Effective Communication for Better Working Relationships”, participants uncover strategies employed by top networkers for building relationships rapidly and effectively. This 1-day workshop delves into psychological methods for creating trust, techniques of ‘personal magnetism’, and conversational tools to foster deep connections, even with challenging individuals. By the conclusion, attendees will have the skills to transform interactions, promoting lasting trust and cooperation in their professional relationships.

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Persuasive Communication for Leaders

In the “Persuasive Communication for Leaders” course, attendees will learn essential techniques to influence and motivate subordinates to act willingly, elevating their leadership prowess. This 1-day workshop emphasizes the trifecta of visual, vocal, and verbal communication skills to bolster persuasion abilities. By the end, participants will grasp persuasion’s core principles, hone assertive communication, and apply effective listening to better manage and guide their teams.

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Cultivating Accountability and Ownership In the Workplace

Join this one-day workshop led by seasoned corporate trainer to learn how to cultivate accountability and ownership in your teams. Gain practical tools and insights to drive organizational success. Elevate your leadership and revolutionize your workplace. 

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Dynamic Communication and Collaboration with LEGO® Serious Play®

The “Dynamic Communication and Collaboration using Lego® Seriousplay™ [LSP]” course dives into the essence of effective communication, emphasizing both verbal and non-verbal cues to forge stronger connections. This hands-on workshop integrates the LSP method to foster focused attention during interactions, promote empathy, address conflicts, and collaboratively work towards shared objectives. By its conclusion, participants will grasp the neuroscience behind communication, understand communication pitfalls, and leverage LSP to enhance collaboration, empathy, and stakeholder engagement.

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Dealing with Difficult People at Work

The course “Dealing with Difficult People at Work” delves into the intricacies of navigating challenging workplace personalities, based on insights from organizational psychologist Robert Bramson PH.D. Over the span of a day, attendees will explore various difficult personality types, gain a deeper understanding of human behavior, and hone techniques through role-play scenarios to effectively interact with these individuals. By the course’s conclusion, participants will be equipped with strategies for understanding, classifying, and communicating with challenging colleagues.

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Delivering Constructive Feedback Effectively

The workshop “Delivering Constructive Feedback Effectively” explores the significance of feedback in personal and professional contexts, focusing on precise delivery and active listening skills. It addresses handling resistance and fostering open communication, emphasizing leadership roles and celebrating successes. Strategies for applying feedback principles to team dynamics and managing tough conversations are provided, with participants creating Personal Action Plans for continuous improvement.

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Empathy: Harnessing The Power of Connection at Workplace

“Empathy – Harnessing The Power of Connection at Workplace” is a 2-day course that emphasizes the pivotal role of empathy and Emotional Quotient (EQ) in building robust personal and professional relationships. Participants will delve into the five competencies of emotional management, enhance emotional awareness, regulate negative emotions, and implement the HEART© Principle for deeper connections. By the course’s end, attendees will possess the skills to manage emotions, understand varying perspectives, and foster successful relationships.

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Working Relationships with Multi-Generational People

“Working Relationships with Multi-Generational People” is a 1-day course focusing on fostering understanding and collaboration among diverse age groups in the workplace. Attendees will gain insights into the unique strengths and communication styles of different generations. By the course’s conclusion, participants will be equipped with strategies to bridge generational gaps, optimize the potential of each age group, and promote a harmonious, multi-generational work environment.

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Let's Get Your Anger Right! (Anger Management: Understanding Anger-Yours and Others)

This Let’s Get Your Anger Right! (Anger Management: Understanding Anger-Yours and Others) workshop offers a comprehensive exploration of anger as a universal human experience. Acknowledging that effective anger management is a skill that eludes many individuals, organizations, and societies, the program emphasizes its crucial role in personal and professional success.

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Problem Solving Skills

System Thinking for Leaders with LEGO® Serious Play®

Organizational challenges often require leaders to shift their thinking and approach as previous solutions might become outdated or problematic. This workshop emphasizes the importance of Systems Thinking, a tool that aids leaders in understanding the interconnected nature of organizational components and in finding comprehensive solutions to complex problems. By attending this one-day intensive course, participants will be equipped with a multidimensional skill set, enabling them to identify, understand, and address chronic issues in organizations by viewing them holistically and strategically.

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Problem Solving with Python Coding

In the “Computational Thinking with Coding (Python)” course, participants will learn how to effectively analyze information and solve everyday problems using Python. Over a 2-day workshop, attendees will grasp the fundamentals of Python and its applications, while also enhancing their logical and critical thinking through computational techniques.

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Critical Thinking Training

The “Critical Thinking for Problem Solving” course at ASK Training delves into the core of critical thinking, equipping participants with techniques like left/right-brain thinking and whole-brain thinking to effectively address workplace challenges. Attendees will learn to identify and analyze issues, evaluate problem statements, and present compelling solutions by understanding the credibility of information sources. Emphasizing the value of critical thinking in modern workplaces, especially in Singapore, this course aims to bolster personal development, enabling participants to stand out and further their career prospects.

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Introduction to Systems Thinking

The introductory course on Systems Thinking teaches participants to recognize and address root issues rather than just symptoms in organizational challenges. Through understanding patterns and connections between mindsets, policies, and behaviors, attendees will learn intervention techniques within existing systems. Targeted at organizational leaders, HR executives, and policy influencers, the course empowers them to tackle ‘Wicked Problems’ and effectively apply Systems Thinking tools like the Ice-Berg model and Causal-Loop diagrams.

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Design Thinking Approach

The course focuses on fostering a culture of innovation in organizations by guiding participants through the process of developing and implementing novel ideas and solutions. Utilizing a design thinking approach, attendees will learn various innovation strategies, from identifying unique customer insights to analyzing consumption behaviors. By the end, participants will be well-versed in leading innovation and applying practical design thinking tools within their organizations.

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The 5-Steps of Design Thinking

This course emphasizes the importance of innovation for professionals across all sectors, underscoring that we are naturally inclined to create and improve. Utilizing a Design Thinking approach, participants will learn how to discern and refine ideas by understanding and addressing the core problems faced by end-users. By the conclusion, attendees will master skills from observational techniques to prototype testing, ensuring solutions effectively cater to user needs.

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Colored Brain: Gateway to Improving Communication Skills at the Workplace

In the “Colored Brain: Gateway to Improving Communication Skills at the Workplace” course, participants delve into the concept of “Color brain processing” to understand the four distinct genetic ways people process information. Over a one-day workshop, attendees will enhance their communication skills by recognizing their own and others’ colored brains, overcoming communication barriers, and optimizing team dynamics for improved productivity and understanding.

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Be Kiasu, Be Creative and Effective in Problem Solving

The course “Be Kiasu, Be Creative and Effective in Problem Solving” empowers participants to unlock their innate creativity to address personal and organizational challenges. In this one-day workshop, attendees will learn techniques to harness both left and right brain thinking, differentiate between innovation and creativity, and develop solutions that drive productivity and innovation in the workplace.

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Presentation Skills

Effective Presentation Skills – Share Impactful information with Limited Time

The one-day workshop focuses on enhancing managers’ presentation skills, addressing common challenges faced in the corporate world such as time constraints and handling tough questions. Participants will acquire techniques to craft impactful PowerPoint slides, convey ideas clearly to key stakeholders, and navigate both verbal and non-verbal communication confidently. Practical coaching, drawn from real industry experiences, ensures learners leave primed to deliver successful presentations.

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Speaking and Presenting with Confidence

In this 1-day business presentation skills course, participants will master the essentials of public speaking, from thorough preparation to effective communication techniques. Attendees will undergo hands-on practice, receive feedback on their vocal and visual delivery, and develop the confidence to captivate audiences. Designed for professionals across industries, this course transforms participants into powerful speakers capable of making persuasive and impactful presentations.

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Infographics Concept and Data Visualization Techniques

The course delves into the world of Infographics and Data Visualization, teaching participants how to transform complex data into clear, compelling visual narratives. Moving beyond traditional charts, attendees will learn to create engaging infographics using design principles, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Excel, as well as other external tools. By the end, participants will be adept at designing easily analyzable and aesthetically pleasing infographics that effectively communicate valuable information.

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Train Your Brain

Enhance Your Memory

This course aims to debunk the myth that a good memory is an innate talent, emphasizing that memory can be trained and enhanced. Through techniques such as assigning mental retrieval cues, participants will learn effective ways to bolster memory recall. By the course’s end, attendees will understand memory mechanics and create a personalized plan to continually refine their memory skills.

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High Impact Speed Reading – Read Fast, Learn Fast

This course, “High Impact Speed Reading – Read Fast, Learn Fast,” addresses the increasing volume of information in today’s world by teaching participants how to enhance their reading and comprehension speed. Over the 1-day workshop, attendees will understand the mechanics behind speed reading, improve their Words Per Minute (WPM), and learn how to utilize Tony Buzan’s Mind Maps for efficient information processing.

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Effective Brain Smart Skills

The “Effective Brain Smart Skills for the Workplace” course aims to help individuals tap into their brain’s full capacity, enhancing workplace productivity. Over the 2-day workshop, participants will delve into understanding brain functions, explore the fundamental principles of Mind Maps, and learn to apply this powerful tool both professionally and personally.

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Brainpower – Discovering and Developing Our Mental Skills

The “Brainpower – Discovering and Developing Mental Skills” course aims to help individuals unlock and harness their brain’s vast untapped potential over a 2-day workshop. Participants will delve into understanding how the brain functions, its incredible capabilities, and practical techniques to enhance creativity, memory, and overall job effectiveness.

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