10 Must-Know Email Tips header image

In the buzzing world of digital marketing, one term that’s consistently echoed across meetings and brainstorming sessions is ‘customer engagement.’ But what exactly does it mean, and why is it essential for businesses?

In Singapore, consumers are bombarded with constant online distractions, and engaging your audience can sometimes feel like an impossible task.

But fear not – the key to cutting through these distractions might just be in your email marketing strategy.

Customer engagement isn’t just about making a sale; it’s about creating a conversation and building a relationship that keeps them coming back for more.

And email marketing, with its direct and personal touch, stands as a powerful tool to not only reach your audience but to resonate with them.

As we go deeper into the world of click-through rates and open rates, this article will explore 10 practical email tips tailored to help you engage your local audience effectively.

If you want to explore email marketing as part of your digital marketing strategy, these email tips will help refine your approach and ensure your emails are fully optimised to increase engagement.

Tip #1: Understanding Your Audience

Before you start planning any email marketing strategies, the first thing you must know is your audience. Let’s learn more.

Knowing Who’s on the Other Side of the Screen

The Personal Data Protection Act in Singapore reminds us that while data is gold, respecting privacy is a top priority.

As a marketer in Singapore, you’re tasked with not just collecting customer information but doing so ethically.

The first step towards meaningful engagement is understanding who you’re talking to. Are they young professionals frequently checking emails on the go, or are they business owners who appreciate a more formal tone?

Segmenting your audience based on demographics allows you to tailor your campaigns precisely.

Making it Personal for Targeted Marketing

Once you’ve ethically gathered your customer data within the boundaries of PDPA regulations, the real fun begins.

Utilising this information for targeted marketing can be the difference between an email that’s opened and one that’s overlooked like last season’s fashion.

Personalisation goes beyond addressing your customer by name – it’s about crafting content that fits their needs and interests.

Are they interested in tech, finance, or perhaps F&B? Customising your email content to their interests can drastically improve your engagement rates.

Utilise Segmentation Tools as Your Compass

To navigate the sea of data, you’ll need the right tools. Audience segmentation and analysis tools are the compasses that guide your email marketing.

These tools can help you categorise your audience based on various criteria – from demographics to past purchasing behaviour.

For businesses based in Singapore, using localised tools that comply with PDPA while providing in-depth insights can give you an edge.

Here are some examples of email marketing platforms for segmentation you can explore:

Remember, in the world of email marketing, relevance is the spice that turns a bland message into a delightful read.

Tip #2: Crafting Compelling Subject Lines

Now that you’ve laid the groundwork by understanding your audience, the next tip is subject lines. Crafting the perfect subject line is an art form.

Consumers are usually bombarded with emails daily, on average, a person can receive up to

Your subject line is the first thing recipients see, and it can determine whether your email gets opened or pushed down deep into the depths of their inbox.

Here are some tips to ensure your subject lines stand out:

Be Concise and Clear

Keep your subject lines short and to the point, conveying the essence of your message in a few words. Aim for clarity while injecting curiosity or urgency to grab attention.

Be Zesty and Memorable

Inject personality and creativity into your subject lines. Think outside the box and surprise your audience with unexpected twists or intriguing questions.

Create Urgency or Exclusivity

Incorporate time-sensitive language or exclusive offers to entice recipients to open your email promptly. Phrases like “Limited Time Offer” or “Exclusive Access” can intrigue curiosity and drive engagement compared to a bland like “Monthly Newsletter”.

Also, don’t forget to add emojis wherever they fit!

Avoid Spam Trigger Words

Steer clear of spam-triggering words like “free” or “discount” to prevent your emails from landing in the dreaded spam folder.

Let’s take a look at some examples of how big companies use their subject lines:

  1. Etsy:

A screenshot of Etsy's Email Subject Line

  1. JobStreet:

A screenshot of Jobstreet's Email Subject Line

  1. Grammarly:

A screenshot of Grammarly's email subject line


Tip #3: Personalising Your Emails

Singapore has rich and diverse cultures. Personalisation in your emails should reflect them. When done right, it’s like receiving a customised gift – it shows you care.

Here’s how to infuse personal touch into your emails:

Optimise Customer Data

Locals in Singapore value relevance and authenticity. Utilise customer data ethically to tailor your emails based on preferences, past purchases, or browsing history.

Every small detail of information adds a layer of relevance and authenticity to your email content.

The most common use of customer data would be to send birthday deals or remind them of their last purchase asking if they’re ready for an upgrade or a refill.

Balancing Automation and Personalisation

When trying to streamline your email marketing efforts, automation can be a lifesaver. But here’s the catch – don’t let automation overshadow the personal touch.

Try to find the right balance by splitting up your email list based on what makes each person different and what they do.

Here is a tip: Think about where they are in their buying journey. Are they just starting to look at your products, or are they ready to make a purchase?

Understanding this helps you send the right messages at the right time, making your emails feel more relevant to your readers. And that is the key to building strong connections with your customers.

Tip #4: Providing Value in Your Content

Your email content must be as valuable as your customer’s favourite pastimes – it should be both refreshing and enlightening. To engage your readers, your emails need to offer more than just promotions.

Here’s what you can do to stand out from promotional clutters:

Inform and Entertain

Serve up content that not only educates but also entertains, solving their problems while putting a smile on their faces.  Think of how-to guides that simplify complex tasks, infographics that distil information into bite-sized nuggets, or video tutorials that guide them step-by-step.

Be the go-to source for valuable insights that enrich their lives, whether it’s mastering a new recipe or navigating the intricacies of personal finance.

Exclusive Offers and Insights

Make your subscribers feel like VIPs with exclusive offers and insights they won’t find anywhere else. Offer them early access to sales, sneak peeks of upcoming products, or behind-the-scenes glimpses into your brand’s story.

Knowledge is value, so shower them with perks and privileges that make them feel special.

Tip #5: Craft Captivating Email Designs

The visual appeal of your emails can make or break engagement. The design isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about captivating attention and sparking engagement.

Here’s how you can craft designs that resonate with your customers:

Mobile-Friendly and Clear Design

In a world where smartphones are practically an extension of our hands, mobile-friendliness is a necessary feature. Opt for sleek, mobile-responsive layouts that ensure seamless readability across devices, from the latest flagship phones to budget-friendly models.

Residents in Singapore are constantly on the go, so prioritise mobile optimisation to ensure your message reaches them wherever they are.

Whether they’re waiting for the MRT or walking to their next destination, make sure your emails are as accessible as their favourite mobile apps.

Example of Mobile-Friendly vs Desktop Mail Design image

Example of Mobile-Friendly vs Desktop Mail Design (Source: Mailchimp)

Make Your Call-To-Action (CTA) Irresistible

Make your CTAs impossible to ignore by crafting clear, compelling messages that leave no room for ambiguity. Whether it’s inviting them to shop now, learn more, or RSVP to an exclusive event, infuse your CTAs with a sense of urgency and excitement.

Customers appreciate straightforward communication, so cut through the clutter and make it easy for them to take the next step.

Email Call to Action Example image

Email Call to Action Example (Source: Omnisend)

By designing emails that prioritise mobile-friendliness and feature irresistible CTAs, you’ll not only capture the attention of your customers but also inspire them to take action.

Tip #6: It’s All About Timing and Frequency

Timing is everything when it comes to email engagement. Your goal should be to capture your audience’s attention without overwhelming them.

Here’s how to find that perfect balance:

Consider Your Audience’s Time Zone

It’s always useful to know when and what your target audience is doing throughout their day. That’s where you know when’s the best time to send your emails.

Adjust your email schedule to match their daily routines, steering clear of rush hour commutes or late-night distractions. Aim to land in their inbox when they’re most likely to pay attention.

Don’t forget to do A/B testing to find the optimal timing! Experiment with different send times to see which ones result in higher open rates and engagement. With this data-driven approach, you can fine-tune your email schedule for maximum impact.

Frequency without Fatigue

In a fast-paced society like Singapore, spamming your audience with emails can lead to subscriber fatigue. Find that sweet spot between staying top-of-mind and respecting their inbox space.

Monitor engagement metrics closely to gauge the optimal email cadence for your subscribers. Are they eagerly opening every message, or are they hitting the dreaded unsubscribe button?

Adjust your frequency accordingly, ensuring your emails are a welcome sight in their inbox, not an unwelcome intrusion.

By respecting the unique time zones and striking the right balance in email frequency, you’ll not only maximise engagement but also develop a positive relationship with your subscribers.

Tip #7: Bringing Visuals and Interaction to Life

You’ve heard the saying ‘A picture speaks a thousand words’; your emails should pop with imagery. Be creative with your emails by including visuals and interactive elements.

Here’s how to include them in your email campaigns:

Visual Storytelling

Use a blend of images, GIFs, and videos to paint a vivid picture for your subscribers. Showcase your products in action, share heartwarming customer testimonials, or offer tantalising glimpses behind the scenes of your brand.

Customers appreciate authenticity and crave immersive experiences, so let your visuals do the talking and transport them into your world.

Duolingo Email Marketing Visual Example image

Duolingo Email Marketing Visual Example (Source: Pinterest)

Interactive Features

Harness that spirit of adventure by adding interactive elements like polls, surveys, or quizzes to your emails.

Encourage participation and gather valuable insights from your audience while keeping them entertained and engaged.

They can be voting for their favourite product or sharing their thoughts on upcoming trends. These actions through interactive features transform passive recipients into active participants.

Let’s see a few examples of how these features are incorporated into emails.

ASK Training's email marketing poll example image

Email Marketing Poll Example

ASK Training's email marketing survey example

Email Marketing Survey Example

ASK Training email marketing quiz example

Email Marketing Quiz Example

So, unleash your creativity, and let your visuals and interactions speak volumes!

Tip #8: Encouraging Two-Way Communication

Effective email marketing goes beyond just making announcements about your business. It’s about fostering genuine dialogue and building lasting connections.

Create a space for meaningful conversations with your customers, here’s how:

Invite Feedback and Replies

The community spirit thrives among Singaporeans, so, inviting feedback and replies gives the impression that you’re inviting your customers to join the conversation.

Encourage recipients to hit reply and share their thoughts, questions, or feedback directly with you. Allow them to rave about your latest product or seek advice on how to use it, every response is an opportunity to deepen your relationship with your audience.

Engage Actively

Customers appreciate brands that listen and respond authentically. Actively engage with the responses you receive, whether it’s a simple thank you or a thoughtful reply addressing their concerns.

Show your subscribers that their voices matter by taking the time to acknowledge and respond to their messages. You’re strengthening the bond with your audience and also humanising your brand in their eyes.

So, open the doors to dialogue, listen attentively, and let your subscribers know that their voices are valued and heard!

Tip #9: Keeping Your Metrics in Check

Understanding email metrics isn’t just about the numbers. These numbers are telling you what needs to be done. You uncover insights that will drive informed decisions which leads to higher engagement.

Here’s how the power of data can help you optimise your email marketing strategies:

Key Metrics to Monitor Engagement

From open rates and click-through rates to conversion rates and unsubscribe rates, each metric offers valuable insights into how your audience is engaging with your content. Pay close attention to trends over time and identify areas for improvement to refine your strategy continuously.

Track and Interpret These Metrics

Thankfully, multiple tools are available to help you track and interpret email metrics easily.

From easy-to-use email marketing platforms to detailed analytic software, these tools such as HubSpot provide valuable data-driven insights into the performance of your email campaigns.

Here are some common things people look at to see how well their emails are doing:

Open Rate: This tells you how many people opened your email compared to how many got it. It helps you know if your email title and sender name catch people’s attention.

Click-Through Rate (CTR): This shows how many people clicked on a link in your email. It tells you if your email content and buttons are interesting to your readers.

Bounce Rate: This measures how many emails couldn’t be delivered. It might be because of incorrect email addresses or technical issues.

Unsubscribe Rate: This tells you how many people decided they didn’t want to get emails from you anymore after getting one. It helps you understand if your emails are valuable to your readers.

Explore further into metrics dashboards, segment your audience for targeted analysis, and uncover hidden patterns that will guide your next move.

If you want to dive deeper into how these numbers compare to others in your industry, you can check out Campaign Monitor’s latest Email Marketing Benchmark Report.

Build Strategies Around Your Data Insights

Identify areas of improvement based on data trends and experiment with A/B testing different elements of your emails, from subject lines to CTAs.

Whether it’s refining your segmentation strategy or tweaking your content based on audience preferences, let the data direct you as you continuously refine and optimise your email campaigns.

Tip #10: Keep Testing and Optimising

Finally, in email marketing, the pursuit of perfection is a never-ending journey for a marketer. Tailor your approach through testing and optimisation, let’s explore how you can do that:

A/B Testing

A/B Testing is the method of comparing two different versions of your emails against each other to determine which performs better.

Experiment with different elements of your emails, from your subject lines to your CTAs. Test one variable at a time, whether it’s the tone of your message, the colour scheme of your visuals, or the placement of your call-to-action buttons.

By isolating these variables, you can accurately determine their impact on engagement and conversion rates.

Personal Touch

Making your emails feel like they’re just for the person reading them is really important. To do this, you can try out different tests to see what makes your subscribers happiest.

For example, if you’re sending emails to young people who love technology or to people who are really into fashion, you should change your tests to fit what they like.

This way, they will feel like you’re speaking directly to them, which makes them more likely to enjoy your emails and keep reading them.

Iterative Refinement

A/B testing isn’t just about finding the winning formula; it’s about embracing a culture of continuous improvement. Analyse the results of your tests rigorously, drawing actionable insights that inform your next move.

Consider some changes such as tweaking your email copy to strike a more emotional chord or refining your design to enhance visual appeal, Incorporating these insights into your data will refine your email marketing strategy over time.

Roll up your sleeves, embrace experimentation, and let the results drive your email marketing to success!

Ready To Try These Email Tips?

As we wrap up our journey through the vibrant world of email marketing, let’s take a moment to recap the invaluable tips we’ve explored:

10 Email Tips Recap Infographic


As technology advances and consumer preferences shift, the journey towards meaningful connections with your audience continues to evolve.

But with the right strategies in place—and a willingness to adapt—you’ll not only navigate these changes but also thrive!

Learn more about the current strategies of email marketing to increase your engagement through our WSQ-accredited Email Marketing course.

In this 2-day course, you will learn how to craft compelling emails that captivate your audience and discover applicable strategies to increase open rates, click-through rates, and conversions while personalising your emails to your audience’s needs. This Email Marketing course is a part of the WSQ Specialist Diploma in Digital Marketing.

If you want to enhance your email marketing skills and combine them with other digital marketing techniques, this programme will provide you with a competitive edge in enhancing your career and achieving your marketing objectives.

Start your journey of upskilling with us today!