
In the bustling tapestry of our daily lives, we often express love and appreciation in unique ways. While the emotions themselves are universal, the languages we use to convey them can vary significantly. This is where the concept of “love languages” comes into play.

Just as we communicate in different dialects and accents, we also have distinct preferences for how we express and receive love. Understanding these love languages can be the key to unlocking deeper, more fulfilling relationships.

It’s like learning a new language, but instead of words, you’re deciphering the emotional nuances that connect us all. Let’s dive into the world of love languages and explore the five primary ways people like to show and receive love and appreciation.

1. Words of Affirmation

Words of Affirmation

Imagine a friend who always has a kind word to say, a supportive comment, or a boost of encouragement. Chances are that their love language is “Words of Affirmation.”

These individuals thrive on positive reinforcement and feel loved when others express their appreciation and support verbally. They are often quick to offer kind words and helpful advice to others and appreciate receiving the same in return.

Extended periods without positive communication can leave them feeling emotionally drained and unfulfilled. Here are a few tips and examples of how you can apply words of affirmation with them:


  • Compliments: “You did a great job on that presentation.”
  • Encouragement: “I believe in you. You can do it!”
  • Positive feedback: “Your work is always top-notch.”
  • Gratitude: “Thank you so much for helping me out.”

How to show love:

  • Offer sincere compliments and praise. Let them know how much you appreciate their efforts and contributions.
  • Express gratitude and appreciation for their presence in your life. Let them know how much you value their friendship or relationship.
  • Provide words of encouragement and support. Let them know you believe in them and their abilities.
  • Engage in meaningful conversations. Spend quality time talking and sharing ideas.

Moving on to the next love language, let’s talk about Quality Time.

2. Quality Time

Quality Time

We all know people at work who are extremely keen on organising after-work social gatherings. Chances are, their love language is “Quality Time.” These individuals thrive on spending meaningful time with their loved ones and feel loved when others prioritise their company.

They enjoy being present and engaged in activities together, even if there isn’t a constant flow of conversation. While they appreciate words of affirmation, quality time is their primary way of expressing and receiving love.

Unlike individuals who value words of affirmation, those who prioritise quality time may not require constant verbal praise or reassurance. Instead, they find meaning and connection through shared experiences and undivided attention.


  • Scheduling one-on-one meetings or team-building activities
  • Taking breaks together or going for a walk
  • Engaging in shared hobbies or interests

How to show love:

  • Dedicate your time to them and be fully present.
  • Participate in activities that they enjoy.
  • Show that you value their company and appreciate their perspective.

3. Acts of Service

Acts of Service

Have you met a friend or colleague who is always ready to lend a helping hand, whether it’s running errands, assisting with projects, or offering emotional support? If so, chances are, their love language is “Acts of Service.”

These individuals feel loved when others go out of their way to assist them or make their lives easier. They are often generous with their time and energy and appreciate others doing the same.

While both quality time and acts of service involve spending time together, the focus is different. Quality time emphasises undivided attention and shared experiences, while acts of service prioritise practical help and support.


  • Offering to help with a project or task: “Let me know if you need any help with that report.”
  • Running errands or doing chores: “I’ll pick up groceries for you.”
  • Providing emotional support or encouragement: “I’m here for you if you need anything.”
  • Volunteering to help with a community project
  • Taking care of someone who is sick or injured
  • Offering to proofread a document or review a presentation

How to show love:

  • Be proactive in offering help and support. Let them know you’re available to assist whenever needed.
  • Go the extra mile to make their life easier. Think about ways you can help them save time or reduce stress.
  • Show that you care through your actions. Your willingness to help speaks volumes about your love and appreciation.

4. Physical Touch

Physical Touch

Have you noticed a friend or colleague who’s always quick to offer a warm embrace or a friendly handshake? If so, their love language might be “Physical Touch.”

These individuals feel loved through physical affection and often express their appreciation and support in this way. While physical touch can be a powerful way to show love, it’s important to be mindful of cultural norms and individual preferences.

Both physical touch and acts of service involve showing care and support, but physical touch is more direct and personal. Acts of service focus on practical assistance, while physical touch emphasises emotional connection.


  • Offering a hug or a pat on the back: A comforting gesture can show support and empathy.
  • Giving a firm handshake: A firm handshake can convey confidence and respect.
  • Sitting close to someone: Physical proximity can signal a desire for connection and closeness.

How to show love:

  • Be mindful of cultural norms and individual preferences when engaging in physical touch. Avoid making anyone uncomfortable.
  • Offer a friendly gesture or a comforting touch to show your support and appreciation. A simple touch can speak volumes.

Now that we’ve explored physical touch, let’s move on to the final love language, receiving gifts.

5. Receiving Gifts

Gifts Giving

If your friend or colleague always seems to appreciate thoughtful gestures, their love language might be ‘Receiving Gifts.’

These individuals feel loved when others give them tokens of appreciation and show that they care. They value the thought and effort behind a gift, more than the actual item itself.

Both physical touch and receiving gifts involve tangible expressions of love, but physical touch focuses on physical affection, while gifts focus on material objects or experiences.


  • Giving a small gift, such as flowers, chocolates, or a handwritten note: A personalised gift shows that you’ve put thought and effort into it.
  • Planning a surprise outing or experience: A shared experience can create lasting memories and strengthen your bond.
  • Offering a personalised compliment or gesture: A heartfelt compliment or a small gesture can show that you care.

How to show love:

  • Give thoughtful gifts that show you care. Consider their interests and preferences when choosing a gift.
  • Make an effort to remember special occasions and offer appropriate gifts. A timely gift shows that you’re paying attention.
  • Offer personalised compliments or gestures to show your appreciation. A heartfelt compliment or a small gesture can make a big difference.

Remember, these are just general guidelines. The best way to show love to someone is to understand their individual needs and preferences.

By paying attention to their cues and adapting your approach, you can create stronger, more meaningful relationships.

Emerging Love Languages: A Modern Perspective

While the original five love languages provide a solid foundation for understanding how we express and receive love, recent studies have suggested the emergence of additional love languages, reflecting the evolving nature of relationships in the digital age.

Here are some examples of these emerging love languages:


In our increasingly digital world, some individuals feel loved through digital communication, such as frequent texting, video calls, or social media engagement. For these people, consistent and supportive online interactions can be a powerful way to express and receive love.

Shared Experiences

Shared activities, hobbies, or interests can be a powerful way to connect with others and feel loved. Whether it’s travelling together, pursuing a common hobby, or simply enjoying a shared meal, shared experiences can create a strong bond and sense of connection.

Acts of Kindness

Random acts of kindness, such as holding a door, offering a compliment, or volunteering together, can be a meaningful way to show love and appreciation. These small gestures can go a long way in making someone feel valued and cared for.

It’s important to note that these are just a few examples of emerging love languages, and there may be others that resonate with individuals in different ways. The key is to be open-minded and understanding and to recognise that the ways we express and receive love can evolve.


Understanding love languages is essential for building strong and fulfilling relationships in all aspects of life, whether it’s with friends, family, romantic partners, or colleagues. By recognising your own and others’ primary ways of expressing and receiving love, you can foster deeper connections and avoid misunderstandings.

Here are a few key takeaways from this updated perspective:

  • Love languages are the primary ways we express and receive love.
  • There are five primary love languages: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Physical Touch, and Receiving Gifts.
  • Recent studies have suggested the emergence of additional love languages, such as Technology, Shared Experiences, and Acts of Kindness.

By understanding and applying love languages, you can foster deeper, more fulfilling connections in all aspects of your life.

To learn more about how you can apply the knowledge of love languages at work and in your daily life, sign up for our 5 Love Languages course to start forging winning relationships at work!