Microsoft Word 2019 – Basic and Intermediate

Nett Course Fee

Course Description

Have you glanced around your surroundings and found yourself spotting all types of printed media, i.e. banners, brochures, pamphlets, reports, notes, books etc. with words on them staring back at you? You might be wondering, how did all these documents initially come into existence? There is a high chance that these documents originated from Microsoft Word, a simple and popular word processing program, that can be used to create workplace, educational and personal documents to communicate ideas at work and school. In our ‘Microsoft Word 2019 – Basic and Intermediate’ course, we teach you useful features aimed at helping you to increase your productivity at work.

There is a wide variety of applications for Microsoft Word when it comes to creating documents. Thinking of creating a letterhead for your official documents? Microsoft Word can do it for you and allow you to insert your logo and watermark. Need to create your sales invoices, employment letters, receipts, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) documents, legal contracts, pay slips? Microsoft Word can do it for you. Or maybe you need to send out an invitation letter to thousands of your guests? Microsoft Word has a mail merge feature that can help you blast out your invitation to all your guests at a fraction of the time you would take to send the invites individually.

Microsoft Word is also the best friend of teachers and trainers who can handily create their notes and activity worksheets for their students and learners. Need to send greetings to your friends and families? Microsoft Word also has templates that you can use to enhance the look and feel of your greeting cards. Looking for a job? You can create a professional looking resume with Microsoft Word’s various text formatting options. Thinking of unleashing the author in you? Microsoft Word provides various features for you to create and print out your word document as a book. The possibilities are limitless!

In this 2 day ‘Microsoft Word 2019 – Basic and Intermediate’ course, you will learn how to create, save and close documents, edit text, format documents, enhance them with WordArt, SmartArt, Charts, Pictures, Tables and mail out your work with the mail merge feature. You will ready to work confidently to create a variety of documents in proper layouts and formatting for tables, paragraphs, sections, headers, and page numbers for professional use.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize basic features of Word to navigate, browse and view a document
  • Edit text and manipulate text into various positions on your document
  • Format characters, paragraphs and pages
  • Apply various Word themes and styles to your documents
  • Enhance your documents with shapes, pictures, SMART arts and tables
  • Set up your main document, data source and insert merge fields for mail merge

Course Outline

Program Fundamentals & Getting Started
  • Understanding the Word Program Screen
  • Create, Save & Close a Document
  • Navigate, Brows & View a Document
  • Viewing Multiple Document Windows
Working With and Editing Text
  • Checking Spelling and Grammar
  • Finding & Replacing Text
  • Using Word Count and the Thesaurus
  • Inserting Symbols and Special Characters
  • Methods of Copy & Move Text
  • Use of Clipboard, Undo, Redo & Repeat
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs
  • Manage Font Type, Size, Color & Highlights
  • Changing Font Styles and Effects
  • Applying Spacing and Ligatures
  • Creating Lists & Paragraph Alignment
  • Adding Paragraph Borders and Shading
  • Line Spacing & Space btw Paragraphs
  • Set, Adjust and Remove Tab Stops
  • Using Left & Right Indents
  • Using First Line & Hanging Indents
Formatting the Page
  • Manage Margins, Page Orientation & Size
  • Using Columns & Page Breaks
  • Working with the Page Background, Cover Page, Page numbers, Headers & Footers
Working with Themes and Styles
  • Apply, Create, Modify & Delete a Style
  • Use Styles Gallery & Create New Style Set
  • Select, Remove, Compare & Clean Up Styles
  • Apply & Save Document Themes
  • Creating New Theme Colors and Fonts
Working with Shapes and Pictures
  • Insert Clip Art, Screenshots, Pictures & Graphics Files
  • Removing a Picture’s Background
  • Alter & Format Pictures and Graphics
  • Insert & Format Shapes
  • Resize, Move, Copy & Delete of Objects
  • Applying Special Effects & Grouping & Positioning Objects
  • Align, Distribute, Flip & Rotate Objects
  • Layering Objects & Inserting a Text Box
Working with WordArt, SmartArt, and Charts
  • Insert, Editing & Format WordArt
  • Inserting & Format SmartArt
  • Manage SmartArt Elements
  • Insert & Format Chart, Work with Labels
  • Formatting Chart Elements & Chart Area
  • Chart Templates & Change Chart Type
Working with Tables
  • Create & Work with a Table
  • Resize, Move & Adjust Table Alignment and Text Wrapping
  • Merge, Split Cells & Tables
  • Insert, Delete & Adjust Row & Column
  • Use of Table Drawing Tools
  • Sorting, Formulas, Borders, and Shading
  • Using Table Styles & Options
Working with Mailings
  • Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard
  • Creating Labels & Envelopes

Related Courses

Microsoft Word 2019 – Advanced

This 1-day course equips participants with skills to enhance productivity by utilizing complex word processing features for managing multiple documents, creating lengthy documents and forms, while also learning advanced formatting techniques to achieve a more professional document appearance, including working with themes, styles, templates, forms, and various formatting aspects like outlines and references.

Course Duration:
1 Day (9.00am – 5.00pm)

View course details here

Microsoft Word 2019 – Basic and Intermediate

Course Duration:

2 Days (9.00am – 5.00pm)

Course Fee Details:

$392.40 (incl. of 9% GST)

SDF grant entitled, $2/hr x 14hrs = $28
Eligible for Singaporeans, and PR employees

Course Code: TGS-2020502874

Course Schedule

Course NameCourse CodeVenueJuly 2024August 2024September 2024October 2024November 2024December 2024
Microsoft Word 2019 - Basic and IntermediateTGS-2020502874JTC Summit11-1214-1502-0314-1521-2218-19
TGS-2020502874Mountbatten Square01-0205-0618-1901-0204-0505-06