
Unleash Your Creativity in Work and Life

Nett Course Fee (effective 1st January 2025)

Course Description

At work, Creativity helps you bring new, inventive ideas to the table, and it enables you to be a force for change in your organisation.

In your personal life, Creativity allows you to improve your quality of health and life. It helps you deal with uncertainties and personal challenges with swift, decisive action. In one word, Creativity is essential.

You might think you’re just born “uncreative”, but that’s not true! Creativity is an acquired skill, and this course will prompt you to roll up your sleeves and go hunting for sources of inspiration, act on your curiosity and distil originality.

You will learn proven methods and high-impact techniques to unlock your creative side, how you can generate creative ideas and develop solutions that will help you overcome your limitations.

There’s a creative genius inside of you—you just need to unlock it!

Course Objectives

In this course, you will learn practical tools and techniques to enhance your creative thinking that can impact all aspects of your life positively —on the professional and the personal front.

Course Outline

  • Types of creative thinkers – Identify your creative thinking characteristics
  • Multi-sensory creativity thinking techniques – Using the five senses to stimulate the minds
  • Action plan – Building and sustaining the creative thinking muscle
  • Classic creativity thinking tools – Applying the tried and tested tools to develop solutions to problems and challenges
  • Nourishing creativity – Cultivating habits and creating ideal conditions for creativity to flourish

    Unleash Your Creativity in Work and Life

    Course Duration:

    1 Day (9.00am – 5.00pm)

    Course Fee Details:

    S$654 (incl. of 9% GST)

    This course is not eligible for SDF Grant.

    Please be advised that as of 1st January 2025, there will be changes to the course fees. 

    Course Fee Details (effective from 1st January 2025):

    S$708.50 (incl. of 9% GST)

    Course Schedule

    Course NameCourse CodeVenueApril 2025May 2025June 2025July 2025August 2025September 2025
    Unleash Your Creativity in Work and LifeASKCWFHotel---