
Create Your Personal Brand

Nett Course Fee

Course Description

At work, Creativity helps you bring new, inventive ideas to the table, and it enables you to be a force for change in your organisation.

In your personal life, Creativity allows you to improve your quality of health and life. It helps you deal with uncertainties and personal challenges with swift, decisive action. In one word, Creativity is essential.

You might think you’re just born “uncreative”, but that’s not true! Creativity is an acquired skill, and this course will prompt you to roll up your sleeves and go hunting for sources of inspiration, act on your curiosity and distil originality.

You will learn proven methods and high-impact techniques to unlock your creative side, how you can generate creative ideas and develop solutions that will help you overcome your limitations.

There’s a creative genius inside of you—you just need to unlock it!

Course Objectives

In this workshop you’ll learn how to apply branding principles to develop a compelling personal brand that is authentic and appealing, one that will help you to attract opportunities and strengthen relationships for years to come.

Course Outline

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of personal branding
  • Determine the unique value that you bring
  • A 12-month action plan to activate your personal brand transformation
  • Uncover the mountains of value hidden within
  • Identify a potential list of communication channels to amplify your personal brand

Create Your Personal Brand

Course Duration:

1 Day (9.00am – 5.00pm)

Course Fee Details:

S$654 (incl. of 9% GST)

This course is not eligible for SDF Grant.

Course Schedule

Course NameCourse CodeVenueFebruary 2025March 2025April 2025May 2025June 2025
Create Your Personal BrandASKCPBHotel-----