
Coping With Uncertainty and Change At Your Workplace

Nett Course Fee

Course Description

Change happens constantly both in life and in the workplace. Since change is inevitable, the response taken to cope with change is much more important in maintaining productivity in the workplace. However, there are many people who struggle to cope with change. In our new course, Coping with Uncertainty and Change at Your Workplace, we will help you adapt to change and learn to embrace change as an opportunity, and not something to be feared.

Within this 1-day workshop, participants will learn several strategies to cope with change. Knowing when and how to use these techniques will help you cope with change better and make you a more productive person in the workplace.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you would be able:

  • Accept that there are no normal or abnormal ways of reacting to change, but that we must start from where we
  • See change not as something to be feared and resisted but as an essential element of the world to be accepted.
  • Understand that adapting to change is not technical but attitudinal. Change is not an intellectual issue but one that strikes at who you are.
  • Recognize that before we can embrace the way things will be, we must go through a process of grieving, and of letting go of the “way things used to be.”
  • See change as an opportunity for self-motivation and innovation.
  • Identify strategies for helping change be accepted and implemented in the workplace.

Course Outline

  • The Change Cycle
  • The Pace of Change
  • Dealing with Resistance
  • Strategies for Dealing with Change
  • Managing Stress
  • The Human Reaction to Change
  • The Pyramid Response to Change
  • Adapting to Change
  • Managing Anger
  • A Personal Action Plan

Coping With Uncertainty and Change At Your Workplace

Course Duration:

1 Day (9.00am – 5.00pm)

Course Fee Details:

S$654 (incl. of 9% GST)

This course is not eligible for SDF Grant.

Course Schedule

Course NameCourse CodeVenueOctober 2024November 2024December 2024January 2025February 2025March 2025
Coping With Uncertainty and Change At Your WorkplaceASKCWCHotel07-15