
SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Overview

The world of work is constantly evolving. New technologies emerge, industries shift, and the skills employers seek are constantly changing.

Whether you’re a mid-career professional looking to stay relevant, a young professional building your foundation, or an employer seeking to invest in your workforce, SSG is here to empower your future.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to this nationwide initiative by the Singaporean government, highlighting the benefits, resources, and how you can utilise them to achieve your career goals.

The Progression of SkillsFuture Singapore

What is SkillsFuture Singapore?

SSG is a national movement that promotes lifelong learning and job skills enhancement for all Singaporeans. It recognises the significance of workforce skills for Singapore’s continued economic success and global competitiveness.

SSG offers a wide range of resources to help you adapt, grow, and thrive in the dynamic job market.

In 2023 alone, SkillsFuture empowered over 520,000 individuals to invest in their professional development.

Notably, nearly 192,000 participants leveraged their SkillsFuture Credits, with a significant majority (95%) utilising them for industry-specific courses, demonstrating a strong focus on career-oriented upskilling and reskilling.

History of SkillsFuture Singapore

Launched in 2015, SSG has undergone significant development over the years. The government has introduced various policy changes and SSG initiatives to expand its reach and effectiveness.

These include increased education funding, the introduction of SkillsFuture Credits, and enhanced subsidies for mid-career professionals.

Objectives and Target Audience

SSG caters to a wide range of individuals, including:

Mid-career professionals

SSG understands the challenges faced by those in the middle of their careers. The programme offers resources and financial support to help you upskill and reskill in in-demand areas, keeping you competitive and opening doors to new career opportunities.

Young professionals and students

As you embark on your professional journey, SSG provides valuable guidance to explore career paths aligned with industry needs. You can gain foundational skills and industry exposure through SSG work-study programmes, giving you a head start in your chosen field.

Employers and HR professionals

Investing in your employees’ job skills is an investment in your company’s future. SSG offers a range of training grants and programmes to help you develop your workforce, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation within your organisation.

By upskilling your employees, you can empower them to take on greater responsibility, potentially leading to promotions and advancements within your company. This not only benefits the individual employee but also strengthens your talent pool and improves overall company performance.

Key Components of SkillsFuture Singapore

SSG offers a diverse range of resources to support your learning journey:

SkillsFuture Credits

Every Singaporean aged 25 and above receives a SkillsFuture Credit balance to use for approved courses. This financial support makes skills acquisition more accessible, allowing you to invest in your professional development without breaking the bank.

Additionally, from May 2024, all Singaporeans aged 40 and above will enjoy a SkillsFuture Credit top-up of S$4,000. This is to help offset those out-of-pocket course fees for selected courses aligned with the current industry and employment needs.

SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes

These Work-Study Programmes combine theoretical classroom learning with on-the-job experience, providing a unique opportunity to gain valuable industry exposure while pursuing your studies.

This blend of learning allows you to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, giving you a competitive edge when entering the workforce.

SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy

Turning 40 doesn’t have to mean a career plateau. The Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy provides additional financial support for Singaporeans aged 40 and above to undergo relevant skills training.

This government subsidy eases the financial burden of upskilling or reskilling, empowering you to make a smooth transition into new and exciting career paths.

It’s important to note that the level of subsidy you receive can vary depending on the type of company you are employed by:

SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)

The government recognises the importance of supporting skills development within SMEs. For employees working in SMEs, the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy can cover up to 70% of the course fees for approved SSG programmes.

MNCs (Multinational Corporations)

While MNCs also benefit from the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy, the subsidy level is generally lower than for SMEs. For employees working in MNCs, the subsidy typically covers up to 50% of the course fees.

This tiered subsidy structure encourages companies of all sizes to invest in their employees’ professional development. For SMEs, the higher subsidy can make a significant difference in their ability to offer upskilling and reskilling opportunities to their workforce.

Benefits of SkillsFuture Singapore (For Each Group)

SSG offers a comprehensive range of benefits designed to empower individuals at all stages of their careers and organisations seeking to invest in their workforce.

Here’s a breakdown of the key advantages categorised by your specific needs.

For Mid-Career Professionals

Upskilling and Reskilling

Stay relevant and competitive by acquiring new in-demand skills or enhancing existing ones. SSG courses can open doors to exciting new career opportunities or upskilling opportunities within your current field.

Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy

Ease the financial burden of upskilling or reskilling with additional government training initiatives and educational subsidies specifically for those aged 40 and above. This subsidy allows you to invest in your professional development without derailing your budget.

Industry-Aligned Training and Career Transition

Explore courses designed to bridge the gap between your current skillset and the requirements of your target industry. With the right professional training and support, SSG can empower you to successfully transition into a new and fulfilling career path.

Career Growth

Obtaining industry-recognised credentials through SSG programmes can make you a more valuable asset to your employer. This can lead to career progression opportunities, increased responsibility, and higher earning potential. Certifications from recognised institutions further enhance your professional credibility and marketability.

When applying for jobs in a new industry, certifications demonstrate your commitment to learning and your ability to grasp new concepts. This can help you stand out from other candidates with limited industry experience.

Support for Lifelong Learning

SSG goes beyond just providing courses. It fosters a culture of continuous learning throughout your career. The programme offers valuable resources and guidance to help you identify relevant learning opportunities, ensuring you stay adaptable and relevant throughout your professional journey.

For Young Professionals and Students

Upskilling and Reskilling

Build a strong foundation for your career by acquiring essential skills aligned with industry needs. SSG offers a wide range of courses to help you explore different career paths and develop the skillset employers seek.

Financial Support (SkillsFuture Credits)

SkillsFuture Credits make acquiring the skills and knowledge you need more accessible. These credits offset course fees, allowing you to invest in your future without a significant financial outlay.

Industry-Aligned Training:

SSG programmes ensure the skills you acquire are in high demand by employers. This increases your employability and improves your chances of landing a fulfilling job after graduation or during your early career stages.

Job Placement and Employment Outcomes

Some SSG programmes even offer job placement support, providing valuable assistance as you embark on your job search. This can include resume writing workshops, interview skills training, and even connecting you with potential employers.

For Employers and HR Professionals

Upskilling and Reskilling

Invest in your workforce by providing them with opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles and adapt to evolving industry demands.

SSG offers a vast array of courses to address skill gaps within your organisation and foster a culture of innovation.

Financial Support (Employer Grants)

Leverage government subsidies to offset the cost of training your employees. This allows you to invest in your workforce development programmes without straining your budget.

Career Growth (Employee Retention and Advancement)

Investing in your employees’ skills demonstrates your commitment to their professional development, leading to increased employee satisfaction and reduced turnover. A skilled workforce is also a more productive workforce.

By upskilling your employees, you can enhance operational efficiency and drive innovation within your organisation.

Economic Impact

Contribute to Singapore’s continued economic success by ensuring your workforce is equipped with the latest skills and knowledge to compete in the global market.

By understanding the specific benefits that SSG offers to each group, you can leverage this programme to achieve your individual or organisational goals.

infographic on the benefits of skillsfuture sg

How to Get Started with SkillsFuture Singapore?

Getting started with SSG is easy! Here’s a roadmap for each group:

Mid-Career Professionals, Young Professionals, and Students:

  1. Register for a MySkillsFuture Account: This online portal is your one-stop access point for everything related to SkillsFuture. Registering is free and allows you to access a wealth of resources, including:
  • Your SkillsFuture Credit balance and expiry details
  • Course listings and programme information tailored to your interests and career goals
  • Eligibility criteria for subsidies and grants
  1. Skills Assessment: MySkillsFuture also offers skills assessments to help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, and potential skill gaps. This self-assessment tool provides valuable insights into areas you might want to focus on for upskilling or reskilling.
  2. Explore Learning Pathways: With a clear understanding of your skills and career aspirations, browse the extensive list of SkillsFuture-approved courses and programmes.

You can filter your search by industry, skill set, course format (online, in-person, blended), and budget to find the perfect fit.

We have also compiled a list of SkillsFuture funding and initiatives as a guide to see which fits you best!

Employers and HR Professionals:

  1. SkillsFuture for Employers Website: This dedicated GoBusiness Singapore website by SkillsFuture provides comprehensive resources and guidance specifically for businesses looking to leverage SkillsFuture for employee development.
  2. Funding and Grants: Explore the various employer and employee training grants available to offset the cost of training your workforce. These grants can significantly reduce your investment in employee development programmes.
  3. Skills Framework for Singapore: This SkillsFuture framework outlines the key skills and competencies required for various job roles across different industries. Use this framework to identify skill gaps within your workforce and design targeted training programmes to address them.

Wrapping Up

SSG presents a valuable opportunity for Singaporeans at all stages of their careers to invest in their personal and professional development.

By leveraging the resources and support offered, you can enhance your skillset, boost your career prospects, and contribute to Singapore’s continued economic growth. Take the first step towards your future today!

Visit the official SkillsFuture website to explore the vast range of learning opportunities available!

Explore Courses From @ASK Training

As a SkillsFuture Singapore-appointed Continuing Education and Training Centre (CETC), @ASK Training is here to be your partner on your lifelong learning journey.

Here are just a few of the exciting areas we specialise in:

  • Digital Marketing: Take your digital marketing skills to the next level with courses in social media marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO), content marketing, and more.
  • Information Technology (IT): Whether you’re looking to gain foundational IT skills or advance your expertise in specific areas, we offer courses in cybersecurity, cloud computing, programming languages, and more.
  • Microsoft Office: Master the latest Microsoft Office applications, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, to enhance your productivity and efficiency.
  • Soft Skills: Develop essential soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking to excel in any work environment.

Our dedicated team is here to answer any questions you may have and guide you on your SkillsFuture journey.

Don’t wait! Invest in your future with @ASK Training today!