Even Eagles Need a Push

Nett Course Fee

Course Description

Eagles are known as the king of the birds, soaring higher than any other bird in the world. The eagle does not mix with other birds, preferring to fly straight and fast. Likewise, for us, would you rather be the chicken on the ground, or the eagle soaring through the sky? In our course, Even Eagles Need a Push, inspired by the award-winning book by David McNally, we go into how you can drastically improve in life by learning from the eagle.

Within this 1-day workshop, participants will learn how to better react to the various events of life, be it good or bad, and learn to achieve their desired outcome.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you would be able to:

  • Discover that you bring special talents and abilities to your family, workplace and the world
  • Find out your purpose in life
  • Make a commitment to take action to achieve your goals in life and achieve your full potential

Course Outline

  • Understanding and Appreciation of Self
  • Screening of DVD – A Peacock in the Land of Penguins & Discussion
  • Discovering the Purpose of Life – To Live, To Love, To Learn and to Leave a Lasting Legacy
  • Understanding and Practising the 5 Lover Languages
  • Screening of “It’s So Simple” DVD & Discussion
  • Understanding the Need to Make a Difference in the Lives of Others
  • Preparing for the Future and Taking Charge of Your Life
  • Understanding the Difference between Interest & Commitment
  • Screening of DVD – “In Search of Excellence – The Disney Story” and Discussion

Even Eagles Need a Push

Course Duration:

1 Day (9.00am – 5.00pm)

Course Fee Details:

S$654 (incl. of 9% GST)

This course is not eligible for SDF Grant.

Course Schedule

Course NameCourse CodeVenueJuly 2024August 2024September 2024October 2024November 2024December 2024
Even Eagles Need a PushASKEEPHotel08--07-