Advanced Pivot Table Techniques in Microsoft Excel

Nett Course Fee

Course Description

Excel’s most powerful analytical tool is the PivotTable. In this course, you’ll be taught how to leverage PivotTables to summarize, sort, count, and chart your data in Microsoft Excel. You will also learn how to navigate the complexity of PivotTables to take advantage of their power. By the end of the course, you will be able to build PivotTables from single or multiple data sources, add calculated fields, filter your results, and format your layout to make it more readable.

Course Objectives

At the end of the 1-day course, you will learn to:

  • Prepare data source and create a PivotTable
  • Summarize multiple data fields, Manage subtotals and grand totals,
  • Create Grouping of PivotTable fields
  • Perform filter with selections, rules, search filters, slicers, and timeline
  • Apply PivotTable styles and format cells with conditional formatting
  • Show different calculations in PivotTable value fields
  • Create calculated fields using formulas and create calculated items with combine fields
  • Create PivotCharts

Course Outline

Introduction to PivotTable
  • Preparing data source to be use in PivotTable
  • Creating the PivotTable and Using external data source in PivotTable
  • Understand PivotTable Fields Pane and Structure
  • Building up the PivotTable and Pivoting it
  • Show report filter pages
  • Removing field from the PivotTable
Working with PivotChart
  • Printing PivotTables & PivotChart
  • Grouping problem and solution
  • Create Calculated field and Items in PivotTable
  • Converting a crosstab data into normal data list (optional)
  • Using multiple source data (optional)
Managing PivotTable
  • Grouping fields
  • Sorting and filtering PivotTable data
  • Refreshing PivotTable
  • Formatting the PivotTable
  • Summarizing PivotTable Data

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Course Duration:
1 Day (9.00am – 5.00pm)

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Advanced Pivot Table Techniques in Microsoft Excel

Course Duration:

1 Day (9.00am – 5.00pm)

Course Fee Details:

$305.20 (incl. of 9% GST)

SkillsFuture Credits & UTAP claimable

SDF grant entitled, $2/hr x 7hrs = $14
Eligible for Singaporeans, and PR employees

Course Code: TGS-2020503212

Course Schedule

Course NameCourse CodeVenueJuly 2024August 2024September 2024October 2024November 2024December 2024
Advanced Pivot Table Techniques in Microsoft ExcelTGS-2020503212JTC Summit-12-24-19
TGS-2020503212Mountbatten Square11-12-15-